Lawrence Clark Powell's Southwest Classics (SW)

Note: Links to the Listing have been added to each entry. This label will show you the Listings of every author included in the list.

This book--like its companion volume, California Classics--was written by Lawrence Clark Powell, one-time librarian at UCLA (and after whom the main library there is now named). He traveled widely in the Southwest, meeting (and forming personal opinions on) nearly all the authors covered in this book who were still alive at the time, and researching deeply into those who were not.

Many of the books below--and nearly a dozen by Powell himself--are in my library, whether in venerable hardcover or disreputable paperback. All are treasures.

The books are listed in table-of-contents order.

Note: Dr. Powell lamented in the introduction to his book, "Living writers have been excluded, painful though it has been not to write about Paul Horgan and Frank Waters." These omissions have been rectified, as Horgan and Waters are long gone--both, coincidentally, in 1995. (Dr. Powell's book was copyrighted in 1974.)

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