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Volume 1 of the Gateway to the Great Books |
This plan appears in the appendix of the first volume of the Gateway to the Great Books, and volume references are to that set. Frankly, I think the readings would be pretty tough for even the best students at the grade-levels indicated (but lordy! would I love to teach in a school like that!)
Clicking on the link allows you to skip to each part. The Labels will take you to all Listings labeled for each Part.
- Part I (grades 7 and 8, or age 12-14) "consist mainly of stories, biographies, autobiographies, and short historical accounts. The list, however, does include at least one selection from each volume in the Gateway set." (Label)
- Part II (grades 9 and 10, age 14-16) is the longest list, and adds more nonfiction to the mix. (Label)
- In Part III (grades 11 and 12, or ages 16-18), the "selections … tend to be longer and somewhat more difficult." Most of the readings are from Volumes 5-10--that is, there's much less fiction. (Label)
- Part IV (college freshmen and sophomores, ages 18-20) focuses on Volumes 8 and 9 ("Natural Science and Mathematics"). (Label)
For your convenience the ten volumes' titles are repeated here (Volume 1 is introductory):
- Volumes 2-4: Imaginative Literature
- Volume 5: Critical Essays
- Volumes 6 & 7: Humanity And Society
- Volume 8: Natural Science
- Volume 9: Mathematics
- Volume 10: Philosophical Essays
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PART I: Suggested Readings for the 7th and 8th Grades
VOLUME 2: Imaginative Literature I
- Defoe: Robinson Crusoe
- Hemingway: The Killers
- Hugo: "The Battle with the Cannon"
- Kipling: Mowgli's Brothers
- Maupassant: Two Friends
- Poe: The Tell-Tale Heart; The Masque of the Red Death
- Scott: The Two Drovers
- Stevenson: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
- Twain: The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg
- Wilde: The Happy Prince
- Crane: The Open Boat
- Flaubert: The Legend of St. Julian the Hospitaller
- Lawrence: The Rocking-Horse Winner
- Melville: Billy Budd
- Tolstoy: The Three Hermits; What Men Live By
VOLUME 5: Critical Essays
- Hazlitt: Of Persons One Would Wish to Have Seen
- Lamb: My First Play; Dream Children, a Reverie
- Woolf: How Should One Read a Book?
- Crèvecoeur: "The Making of Americans"
- Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
- Hawthorne: Sketch of Abraham Lincoln
- Jefferson: Biographical Sketches
- Lincoln: Letter to Horace Greeley; The Gettysburg Address; Second Inaugural Address; Last Public Address
- Paine: "A Call to Patriots—December 23, 1776"
- Pliny the Younger: "The Eruption of Vesuvius"
- Prescott: "The Land of Montezuma"
- The English Bills of Rights
- The Virginia Declaration of Rights
- Twain: "Learning the River"
- Whitman: Death of Abraham Lincoln
- Xenophon: "The March to the Sea"
VOLUME 8: Natural Science
- Boeke: Cosmic View
- Curie: The Discovery of Radium
- Fabre: The Sacred Beetle
- Haldane: On Being the Right Size
- Tyndall: "Michael Faraday"
- Dantzig: Fingerprints; The Empty Column
- Hogben: Mathematics, the Mirror of Civilization
- Kasner and Newman: New Names for Old; Beyond the Googol
- Erskine: The Moral Obligation to Be Intelligent
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PART II: Suggested Readings for the 9th and 10th Grades
VOLUME 2: Imaginative Literature I
- Anderson: I'm a Fool
- Anonymous: Aucassin and Nicolette
- Butler: "Customs and Opinions of the Erewhonians"
- Conrad: Youth
- Dickens: "A Full and Faithful Report of the Memorable Trial of Bardell against Pickwick"
- Gogol: The Overcoat
- Voltaire: Micromégas
- Apuleius: "Cupid and Psyche"
- Balzac: A Passion in the Desert
- Chekhov: The Darling
- Dostoevsky: White Nights
- Eliot, G.: The Lifted Veil
- Galsworthy: The Apple-Tree
- Hawthorne: Rappaccini's Daughter
- Pushkin: The Queen of Spades
- Chekhov: The Cherry Orchard
- Ibsen: An Enemy of the People
- O'Neill: The Emperor Jones
- Sheridan: The School for Scandal
- Synge: Riders to the Sea
- Arnold: The Study of Poetry; Sweetness and Light
- Bacon: Of Beauty; Of Discourse; Of Studies
- De Quincey: Literature of Knowledge and Literature of Power; On the Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth
- Hazlitt: My First Acquaintance with Poets
- Lamb: Sanity of True Genius
- Sainte-Beuve: What Is a Classic?
- Schopenhauer: On Some Forms of Literature
- Whitman: Preface to Leaves of Grass
- Adams: "The United States in 1800"
- Carlyle: The Hero as King
- Charter of the United Nations
- Emerson: Thoreau
- Franklin: A Proposal for Promoting Useful Knowledge among the British Plantations in America; Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in Pennsylvania
- Jefferson: "The Virginia Constitution"; First Inaugural Address
- La Bruyère: Characters
- Lincoln: Address at Cooper Institute; First Inaugural Address; Meditation on the Divine Will
- Long: The Power within Us
- Lucian: The Way to Write History
- Mill, J. S.: "Childhood and Youth"
- Tacitus: The Life of Gnaeus Julius Agricola
- Thoreau: A Plea for Captain John Brown
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Washington: Circular Letter to the Governors of All the States on Disbanding the Army; Farewell Address
- Woolf: The Art of Biography
- Xenophon: "The Character of Socrates"
- Bacon: Of Youth and Age; Of Parents and Children; Of Marriage and Single Life; Of Great Place; Of Seditions and Troubles; Of Custom and Education; Of Followers and Friends; Of Usury; Of Riches
- Burke: Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol
- Clausewitz: What Is War?
- Faraday: Observations on Mental Education
- James, W.: The Energies of Men; Great Men and Their Environment
- Plutarch: Of Bashfulness
- Schopenhauer: On Education
- Swift: Resolutions When I Come to Be Old; An Essay on Modern Education; A Meditation Upon a Broomstick; A Modest Proposal
- Bacon: The Sphinx
- Carson: The Sunless Sea
- Darwin: Autobiography
- Eddington: The Running-down of the Universe
- Eiseley: "On Time"
- Fabre: A Laboratory of the Open Fields
- Faraday: The Chemical History of a Candle
- Galileo: The Starry Messenger
- Huxley: On a Piece of Chalk
- Jeans: Beginnings and Endings
- Forsyth: Mathematics, in Life and Thought
- Poincaré: Mathematical Creation
- Whitehead: "On Mathematical Method"
- Bacon: Of Truth; Of Death; Of Adversity; Of Love; Of Friendship; Of Anger
- Cicero: On Friendship; On Old Age
- Emerson: Self-Reliance
- Epictetus: The Enchiridion
- Hazlitt: On the Feeling of Immortality in Youth
- Pater: "The Art of Life"
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PART III: Suggested Readings for the 11th and 12th Grades
VOLUME 3: Imaginative Literature II
- Bunin: The Gentleman from San Francisco
- Dinesen: Sorrow-Acre
- Fitzgerald: The Diamond as Big as the Ritz
- James, H.: The Pupil
- Mann: Mario and the Magician
- Singer: The Spinoza of Market Street
- Tolstoy: The Death of Ivan Ilyitch
- Turgenev: First Love
- Eliot, T. S.: Tradition and the Individual Talent
- Hazlitt: On Swift
- Hume: Of the Standard of Taste
- Sainte-Beuve: Montaigne
- Schopenhauer: On Style
- Shelley: A Defence of Poetry
- Bury: Herodotus
- Guizot: "Civilization"
- Thoreau: Civil Disobedience
- Tocqueville: "Observations on American Life and Government"
- Calhoun: "The Concurrent Majority"
- Hume: Of Refinement in the Arts; Of Money; Of the Balance of Trade; Of Taxes
- James, W.: On a Certain Blindness in Human Beings
- Macaulay: Machiavelli
- Malthus: "The Principle of Population"
- Rousseau: A Lasting Peace through the Federation of Europe
- Ruskin: An Idealist's Arraignment of the Age
- Voltaire: "English Men and Ideas"
- Campanella: "Arguments for and against Galileo"
- Einstein and Infeld: "The Rise and Decline of Classical Physics"
- Galton: "The Classification of Human Ability"
- Helmholtz: On the Conservation of Force
- Huxley: On the Relations of Man to the Lower Animals
- Lyell: "Geological Evolution"
- Wöhler: On the Artificial Production of Urea
- Campbell: Measurement; Numerical Laws and the Use of Mathematics in Science
- Euler: The Seven Bridges of Königsberg
- Laplace: "Probability"
- Poincaré: Chance
- Russell: The Study of Mathematics
- Browne: "Immortality"
- Clifford: The Ethics of Belief
- Dewey: "The Process of Thought"
- Emerson: Nature; Montaigne; or, the Skeptic
- Epicurus: Letter to Menoeceus
- James, W.: The Will to Believe; The Sentiment of Rationality
- Mill, J. S.: Nature
- Plutarch: Contentment
- Santayana: Lucretius; Goethe's Faust
- Voltaire: "The Philosophy of Common Sense"
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PART IV: Suggested Readings for College Freshmen and Sophomores
VOLUME 5: Critical Essays
- Eliot, T. S.: Dante
- Schiller: On Simple and Sentimental Poetry
- Schopenhauer: On the Comparative Place of Interest and Beauty in Works of Art
VOLUME 8: Natural Science
- Bernard: Experimental Considerations Common to Living Things and Inorganic Bodies
- Mendeleev: "The Genesis of a Law of Nature"
- Pavlov: Scientific Study of the So-Called Psychical Processes in the Higher Animals
- Clifford: The Postulates of the Science of Space
- Peirce: The Red and the Black
- Poincaré: Space
- Russell: Definition of Number; Mathematics and the Metaphysicians
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